2018 07 10 1630

The last Friday (Friyay!) of every month we encourage everyone on the team to try something new and do something non client related. This time we built a portfolio site for Drift. In web design there are endless requirements and "rules" and things everyone just does or doesn't do. We threw all that out the door, but we did give ourselves a few requirements:

Here they are:
1. Less than 25 words on the whole site.
2. Couldn't create any assets from scratch, so we used a couple of vector packs of artwork that we combined to create everything.
3. There needed to be a message, so it wasn't completely pointless, but it could be hidden.
4. Lastly it needed to be weird and fun and free of any of the normal website standards.

Here's the link - let us know if it's weird enough: http://drftwld.com/

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