Wake Up Zombie Poster Design

It would be easy for me to jump on my soap box and claim that this is a design meant to spark peoples minds to think for themselves while subtly suggesting to the viewer that he/she should follow and agree with my views and beliefs...That's not what this is. This more than anything is a reminder to myself that ideas, experiences and beliefs are much more nuanced than are at first obvious. And that instead of blindly following and then regurgitating a well presented bit of information, I should spend a little more time delving into the nuts and bolts of the subject matter so that I can begin to construct (although minimal at first) a true understanding of a subject that will then hopefully grow over time. This is definitely harder to do but, as an accomplished artist I used to know used to say, "If it were easy everyone would do it."

Hand-drawn skull with dip-pen and ink. Adobe illustrator and Photoshop love for the rest. Hope you enjoy, thanks!!

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