Unsolicited responsive design proposal for daringfireball.net ★
I realized this morning that I've been a reader of Daring Fireball by John Gruber for over a decade. I even took the time in the early days to go back through the archives because I'm a bit of a completionist. I'm sure several DF fans can relate.
Over the last decade, a lot has changed on the web. One change that has yet to make its way to Daring Fireball is a truly responsive design.
John has spoken about this on a number of occasions and while I know this proposal doesn't meet all of his requirements (updated typography, for instance), it does solve one issue I've been trying to solve in my own mind ever since he first brought up the idea of making his site responsive: how can you display the Daring Fireball navigation without resorting to a hamburger menu?
I ran into the same problem on my own site and solved it by displaying the navigation in columns. With enough padding on each link, this solution can be used for really long navigation lists like the one shown here.
As shown in the attachment, I've also redesigned the search bar to better match his favourite operating system.
As the title states, this proposal is unsolicited, so if John is reading this and wishes that I take it down, please let me know.