Operate • The DesignOps Podcast
Hey all! I'd like to announce my new podcast called Operate. I'll be "talking about all things organizational and operational for individuals and design teams alike."
For those of you familiar with DesignOps, I'll be getting into some personal organization and workflow techniques that will help with the operational side of your design team. For those of you not familiar with DesignOps, this is a great place to start as the first full-length episode will be devoted as an introduction to the topic. Reality: it's just a new word, not a new concept.
I've naturally loved organization since I was little, so I felt this would be a good topic to explore out in the open with all of you. If you have any questions/tips/feedback, please hit me up on twitter @jhnwlsn or download the Anchor app to send in a voice message which I can use in the show!
Available on all your favorite podcasting apps. Learn more at https://anchor.fm/operate
Thanks to @Kyle Lambert for the logo from his wonderful bootstraplogos.com. Top-notch work for super reasonable prices/conditions.