Embark Dog DNA Redesign


My boyfriend and I rescued a puppy a few months ago and we absolutely love her. People would ask us what kind of dog she is and we used to always say "lol idk." Fortunately, my friends gave me an Embark DNA kit to find out what she's a mix of. Miso is surprisingly a combo of 7+ dogs!

It was great dissecting the results, but they were visually presented to us in a rather underwhelming way. I decided to take a stab at redesigning it with mobile in mind. The couple requirements I gave myself were to (1) stay within the existing color palette and (2) only introduce one another typeface.

I’d love to spend some time figuring out the transition animation for going from the dashboard to the result detail so I might play around with Origami to prototype it.

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Posted on Jul 3, 2018

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