Problem Statement: designed "The Man Box" which is curated by their grooming experts and contains 7 amazing products.

1. This is the first product of that's why People were hesitating to buy because of lack of trust. I've to design a Product detail page which constitutes 7 product detail pages. I've to provide detailed information for each product without increasing the page scroll length.

2. I need to build trust on the product quality.

3. I've to entice users to buy the product.

Design Solution:
1. Each of the 7 products has a lot of information to show which is very difficult to show on a single page. So, I've used "tabs" to show whole information for each product in a more structured way.

2. Testimonials work best to build trust but users ignore textual based testimonials. So, I've used user stories in video format instead.

3. I've grouped information for better scanning.

4. Shown enticing offers on the product and Made BUY NOW button available whole time on the page.

Please check the attachment to see the full design in high resolution.

Hope you like it!
Please feel free to give your feedback :)

More by Prateek Gupta HFI-CUA and CXA

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