Phase – Login Screen?

Today I was about to share some parts of our design system, but I decided to share this message instead:

"We’ve been getting some healthy skepticism from some on Phase’s launch date. This is mostly because companies before us had promised a certain date — then delayed release for many months.

We just wanted to say that don’t worry, that isn’t us.

Within two weeks we’ll put Phase v1 into the hands of a small set of close friends. Once they confirm it doesn’t explode, we’ll release it to everyone.

Unless it explodes on us (don’t worry, it won’t 😄), there won’t be months of delay or of staggered rollout.

None of that. We’re a small startup, so our estimates might sometimes be off by at least a few weeks. We’ll always be open and transparent with our community, though."


If you guys are ever curious of status, ping us in Phase Community

Design System @Phase shots rescheduled for next week. I’ll also share more about our choices behind Phase interface style.

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