Print & Space

Print & Space is a self-promotional project I've worked on during the last year along with Nostroinchiostro. The idea of having a print sheet with the "limits" of some typography techniques has been in my mind for some years since I graduated, I needed something to look at when I was designing for print, especially to understand how small I could go with the elements I was using. Then, some years ago, I became interested in NASA Solar System Exploration's space missions and the exploration of our (and others) solar system. The Spacecraft Rosetta, the rover on Mars, the photos of Pluto (which will always be a planet for me) inspired me to create this map of the solar system which merges science and typography, with the help of the guys of Nostroinchiostro, that made available their knowledge of the print world (and their beautiful Heidelberg Windmill). The printing techniques used are Letterpress, Emboss e Gold Hot Foil, each one divided by three groups of planets and also used on the side decorations. You can check the whole project on here:

Daniele Simonelli
Freelance Illustrator
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