Product Images
Selling a product which is size based results in the manufacturer making a limited number of glamor shots and then ignoring the rest. I suspect it is not a priority for them to take a picture of each product as their business model is not exclusively e-commerce. Fortunately, manufacturer Zebra (thanks Michelle) was gracious and arranged for a few brand new shots of the top-selling part numbers on our e-commerce site.
I am finishing up editing the source image sent over so that customers can see all dimensions of the product they are buying. The two label styles are almost never sold together and so I am cutting the source image up to achieve the desired effect. This will remove obstacles to purchasing (confusion, doubt) which should increase conversions on our already very popular product. Additionally, these images will help keep customer satisfaction high, label media is non-refundable and this will help prevent accidentally buying the wrong core size and ending up with useless labels.
Editing product photos is so relaxing. Manufacturers are doing a better job of providing high resolution, quality images now and so I do it less often than in the past.