New Identity

A few months ago I went through the process of redesigning my identity in order to go job hunting. I spent a lot of time on it, sketching again and again, looking for inspiration, changing ideas every week, exploring each concept thoroughly. Turns out, it's very hard to be your own client. It's even harder to be you own designer!
I was never pleased with my identity, it felt too fake, like too much of an effort. It didn't feel like *me*.
The other day, I decided to challenge myself again. I felt inspired. I took 2 hours to design something that I like 100 times better than the old one, which took me a month. I just picked a palette (and stopped myself from being picky about it — yes those colors are fine. No we don't care if according to the psychology of colors they don't really paint your profile), drew a few simple lines, went with the first "good enough" idea that I had. It's highly imperfect.
What do you think?

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