UX approach to Introduce the Price in your product.
Introducing price and asking for upgrade is a tricky affair and needs to be well thought through. There are couple of high level approach I keep in mind before designing a plan/membership or catalog pages. This has more to do with UX communication but impacts equally in our thinking and design approach too.
1. Be subtle. Never introduce the price before you have stated the offer
2. Minor-Purchase Technique - Compare the price of the product with the price of something ordinary and customary, like a burger or a movie ticket. Example - By the mere price of two movie tickets you can get this product..."
3. Daily-Cost Technique - Compares the cost of the product to the estimated cost per time of owning/using it. Example - "For just XX$ per day"
4. Fast selling/recommended: Keep most recommended offering highlighted.
Additionally while designing deconstruct the units in:
1. Offers, Amount & Validity 2. Feature Included 3. Call to action
Love to hear any practical approach that has worked for fellow UXers?
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