Turkish Football Federation Logo

I’ve been up to this for last a couple of days and must say I really had lots of fun while creating the logo. Football is one of the most addicting things (to me) and the second is, of course, the design. Hence, when it comes to design+football, I am always in. I actually made it for a real purpose by the way. I will be trying to reach out the authorities on Turkey Football Federation and let them see that this is a genuine approach to make a real change on our National Football brand if they accept.

For the logo: I haven’t made a huge change on the logo, just tried to modernize and emphasize the Turkish Citizen’s respect, love and passion of to their flag.

PS: This work has been submitted to the #worldcuplogochallenge which you can follow the hashtag from this link: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/worldcuplogochallenge/

Hope you like it.

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