Precision Strike
这次作品最初灵感来自于电影《狂怒》讲述纷争的战场与一辆坦克的故事,作品中主要展示一辆坦克在战火连天的战场中,穿越与战场在战场飞跃的情景,所以在用色与风格都偏向于暗色系,来表现战争的暗淡与惨烈。 后来因为想提高整体插画的一个前后空间感,加入过狙击镜视角,通过狙击镜的视角来讲述一个即使再英勇的战车,在战场上也难逃敌人的追击,下一秒就是敌人就会你粉碎,精准打击不容有所失误的这样一个场景。 This work initially inspiration comes from the movie "fury", tells the story of the disputes of the battlefield with a tank, works mainly display in a tank under the war battlefield, the situation across the battlefield and in the leap so favour darker colors in color and style, to show the dark and brutal war. Later, because want to improve the overall illustration of a space before and after, to join a sniper perspective mirror, from the Angle of sniper mirror to tell an even more heroic chariot, the pursuit of can't escape from the enemy on the battlefield, the next second is shattered, the enemy will you precision strike is not have such a scenario of the error.