
After speaking last week at Dribbble's Hang Time Seattle, I was reminded of how difficult writing is. During the whole two months I had to prepare, I felt like I was scaling a cliff to find the right words to describe what I wanted to say. After a while it all began sounding a bit "supercilious" so I resorted to simply sharing a couple lessons I've learned over the course of the past few years. It reminded me that some locked doors/creative blocks aren't meant to be pushed through. Sometimes it's worth stepping back and asking ourselves if perhaps we're simply trying the wrong door/path.

Anyway, here's an illustration I made to sum up the feeling. Full illustration attached.

Thanks again @Dribbble for inviting me to speak last week! It was so great getting the chance to meet the team.

Yondr Studio
The illustration & design studio of Nathan Yoder
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