First Leaf Hot Sauce Co.

The annual Pilot Hot Sauce competition was last week so I figured id post the branding, packaging, and brand story I developed for maple hot sauce!

The brand story goes...

"It is said that when the first spring crickets are heard at dusk all the maple trees cease to produce their sap. But whats little known is the first leaves to grow on these maple trees is said to contain such a sweet heat that is equivalent to the hottest days of summer. Legend has it that this first leafs sole purpose it to kick start the warm season.

This sacred hot sauce recipe using those maple leaves has been passed down by the elders of upstate NY for generations and has finally made it all the way to Boston to compete in the prestigious Hot Sawesomness.

If you can handle first leaf hot sauce it will create a slow burn across the tongue like the winter thaw from spring to summer."

More by Noah Revoir

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