The Mountain

I've been living on a farm for the last 5 months and the one thing that I by far love most about that, is being surrounded by nature. There is little more refreshing and inspiring than stepping out of my front door in the morning and smelling the fresh smell of the trees and the dew of the fields or sitting on my roof and watching the turtles in the lake behind our house while feeling the warm summer sun on my back. I watch and notice the little intricacies of nature and it amazes me. Just the way the roots of a tree twirl through the brown earth is so much more complex and beautiful then anything humans could create.
And to me that is one of the greatest reminders that we can't be it. There must be more then us. There must be more then just the wild, by chance way we think that everything around us came to be. And I know there is. To me all of creation is a pointer to the one and only. The creator. The one who's artwork is all around us. The one who's artwork we are. And the one who loves us more then we could ever grasp...
If creation sings you praises, so will I

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