American Locker Logo Design Survey
Your opinion about our new logo design for American Locker is a big help.
Positive Brand was recently named agency of record for American Locker. One of our first tasks has been to update their logo. After exploring dozens of solutions, we’ve narrowed down our logo designs to three options and we’re asking for your opinion. Please go to our Survey Monkey webpage and give us your choices for first, second and third place.
It will only take a minute. Seriously. The survey is only one page and it only has 3 logos to consider. All you have to do is rank them in order of your preference. Once we’ve tallied all the votes, I’ll follow up next week and let you know how it all turned out. One of these three logos will become the new American Locker logo and you can help us decide which one.
You’re receiving this request because I really value your opinion. Thanks in advance for your help.