Facility Finder for Video Streaming Research Facilities

I worked with FocusVision to redesign their video streaming facility finder. This tool allows users to search for facilities throughout the world that offer FocusVision’s Live Video product which provides video streaming of live focus groups.

The first step in this process was speaking to the leads of FocusVision’s facility team to find out where the previous facility finder was falling short, what they liked about it, and what they wanted to improve moving forward.

With that information in mind I used their existing brand guide to design some concepts and considered options for button states, alerts and notifications, list results, and other components that made up the search. This quick process allowed me to share my progress with the stakeholders and acquire feedback quickly for further iterations.

Upon sign off, I worked closely with the development team to develop this into a WordPress plugin that also utilizes ReactJS for snappy search results. In mobile, the map and search results break down into a single column.

This project is now in final QA and I am looking forward to seeing it launched!

More by Mike Torosian

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