As my first shot I want to share with you something really important for me. Last month at Apple Developer Academy we had something called “Sharing Knowledge”. In a nutshell, the event was about sharing what you know with others.
Since I really love talking about UX, I decided to choose this as my topic to share.
It happens quite often that newbie developers and designers forget to implement (or even think about) the most basic UX concepts needed.
So I decided to develop UXperiment: an app completely UNusable composed by different levels to complete. Each one with a different UX issue.
I had really a lot of fun developing this app and, even more, watching my friends playing with it.
It’s a new and unusual way to explore more about basic UX concepts and behaviours that we sometimes take for granted.
The app is actually in beta on Test Flight. If you want to try it out you can redeem your code to access the beta at this link ➡️ https://testflight.apple.com/join/yxRKGBVn. I’d love to hear your feedbacks ❤️