NDA Project — Smart eCommerce Shopping Assistant

Brief: The concept of a project was to create a smart shopping assistant for people who have features of a product they want to purchase in mind but don't know the exact model yet. The goal was to come up with a "white-labeled" solution that has a particular layout but one where its UI elements could be adjusted to suit the style of an eCommerce website that it's being integrated with.

What I did: As always, I've started from the research to understand goals of the business and got to know the target audience and other competitors on the market. Then I proceeded with the user flows, user stories, and user portraits. All these tools gave me clarity on what exactly would be implemented and put me on the same page with stakeholders. Afterward, I started designing in small iterations (layouts - wireframes - mockups - prototype) to get feedback from the client and users on the way. The last step was to conduct a user testing session, update the prototype, and pass all the assets to developers via InVision Inspect.

Why this way: All the decisions I made during this process are based on the research results and user portraits that I made right in the beginning.

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