Article Interaction

'Sup guys

Here's an animated version of the last shot i posted.
I got my invite for Studio this weekend and decided to design the second state of the animation in it.

Love how familiar Studio felt right away, text worked great and praise the lord for the selection tool, that's something i felt sketch was missing so it's really cool to see this in Studio. Personally i would love it if the scroll to zoom is with alt or cmd like in PS or sketch. I also missed a line tool, i know it can be done with a rectangle too but i have been used to use lines for 7 years now haha. Also, i couldn't find any guides or grid settings or rulers, has anyone found those? Apart from those little things i'm really loving Studio so far!

I animated this with Principle because i was in a bit of timespan, interactions with Studio is next to learn for me!

Have a great week guys! Peace ✌️


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Visual hierarchy and spacing:
Timing and easing in Principle:

Thanks a ton to everyone that has checked out the classes or has supported me in the last years, you guys are the best! 😍

Designer/ skateboarder available for freelance projects ↓

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