CBR Wall Graffiti / Cybereason New TLV Office

Welcome to Cybereason TLV New Office.

Come to join our team and be part of the family in our worldwide offices :


The office design concept is based on the Deconstructivism philosophy. This form of art manipulates structures and creates shapes which appear to distort elements of architecture. Similar to the chaos created by Hackers who manipulate the system using it's existing elements in order to destabilize the organization.

Following the Cybereason values we attempted to create a unique experience that breaks things apart and then connects them together. Like in the cyber world, we de-fragment the elements in order to analyse the data, once we understand the narrative from the core, we connect it back and solve the problem.

In the office design, we used streams of lines to represent the data running through the offices and those lines separate and connect in different points to show the data connectivity. We used organic elements in the office in order to create an urban yet organic concept which blends naturally with the office floor, walls and ceilings. All the elements used represent connectivity in the urban world.

Special thanks to Alex from Tomato Zero Family for the street art and making our office so cool.


Attached the vector file in positive for the pleasure of your eyes :)



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