Dribbble Aperture

What Dribbble means to me?

Being a designer & storyteller, I relate Dribbble with an aperture having its maximum f/stops such 1.4, 2, etc. with Dribbble's 800/600, or 400/300 pixels that allows me to upload the notion of design shots to the world of creative folks. In the physical world, taking a shot using my camera is just a matter of capturing a particular moment. Even though I click 500k photos, I have to reject the 499k pics just to select the perfect one, isn't it?

It's the same over Dribbble; I will upload only one shot from the rest. I just have to adjust my Dribbble aperture from 2x (800x600) to 1x (400/300). And that's what brings designers to view my shots before even having a conversation via its comment system. For me, a shot means a lot especially when it's well harvested & being strived.

Feel free to checkout the static sticker attachment for print version after viewing the above gif. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to explain one of my Dribbble stories.

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