Blankenship Office Spring Instagram Campaign

I’m fascinated by where work comes from — how clients find me, or I find them. What are the leading indicators it will be a good partnership, what types of communications make the “right” impression(s) to set expectations, etc.

I believe too much of our design service industry’s initial pitches are about us — what we do, how long we’ve done it, awards, pedigree — instead of making it about the client, their brand, their needs. We don’t exist without our clients, and the way we talk and walk should reflect that.

I’ve never gotten a single client from Dribbble (that’s not why I post here) or speaking at an industry conference (that’s not why I speak there) but it makes sense — my prospective clients aren’t on Dribbble or at Design Conferences, they’re busy running their businesses. Those venues serve specific purposes for specific people. They can raise my industry profile and grow my network, but they rarely (directly) translate into actual client work because the audience is wrong for that goal.

So I’m trying some specific things on the Blankenship Office Instagram around a curated collection of previous work (with a nice, subtle Spring color palette) to hopefully meet some prospective clients where they are, and start a few prospecting conversations. Call it a tiny experiment in finding out where work comes from.

Onward and upward!


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