Winner of the Bristol Pound Competition 2018 – Maritime Heritage

My design for the Maritime Heritage theme was one of the winners of the Bristol Pound design competition 2018.

In my design the SS Great Britain is elevated in the sky by a delicate wave, almost floating, ready for new adventures. The water is used as a medium to tell the story of the ship, with the aid of words. The sky is pink/red, from the saying used by mariners “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in morning, sailor’s warning”. Here I’d like the viewer to decide what that means, it could either be a morning with rain coming or it could be an evening with a sunny day ahead.

From the Bristol Pound website:

The judges loved the contemporary ideas in this design. They agreed that the SS Great Britain elevated into the sky is a powerful image and the writing in the water is a lovely effect.

Apple Pencil on iPad Pro – watercolour brush, pencil brush, monoline brush

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