Apostolic Voices TV Broadcast Crest

Furthering my crest development ambitions...is this inspired work for a televison broadcast show entitled "Apostolic Voices", currently airing on the Kingdom Broadcasting Network.

I chose to build this around a simple "AV" interlock (because "A"postolic "V"oices), utilizing keys (symbolizing "keys to the kingdom"--check Matthew 16:19), with the names of the two co-hosts adorning either side, topped by a flame, one of several representations of the Spirit of God. Two lions support this crest, one for each Apostle, as lions are also representative of the office of the Apostle.

The Kingdom Broadcasting Network, locally within the Houston area, and on the internet via Facebook. Link is here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/kbntvone/videos/?ref=page_internal

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