Looking forward

Hey there!
It was a while since I published something. Too many things to do and not enough time for personal drawings.

Today I get the inspiration from an old sketch I made one year and a half ago. It was in the evening when I was alone at home, looking the sunset reflected in the water, missing that person whom I was one day. I was missing the warmth, the sea and to spend the days at the beach together with my friends. One year after I took a desition that changed my life... At that moment I didn't realize, but something good was starting to grow in between the ashes and the darkness.
I celebrate today that impulse I had that made me move alone to another country, so different from what I was used to. I celebrate the courage that keeps me trying and learning from my mistakes and allows to the new great experiences to happen.

I celebrate also, the courage of every woman or man, that brings the possibility to grow as a person, and into a better society.

More by Carla Romero

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