Tinder-Like Koloda Animation for a Hotel Booking App

Hello, community!

Last-minute hotel booking apps are a real win when it comes to spontaneous travelling. However, users need to be attentive and act quickly so they don’t lose their chance to get a perfect hotel deal. So we were like “Hmmm, what’s the best way to process information quickly and make decisions on the go?” And bingo – Tinder swipe!

Here’s how the idea for this amazing Tinder-like animation was born.

We believe that this approach can make the lives of spontaneous travellers much easier: they can swipe right to add a room to their favorites or swipe left to reject an option they definitely don’t like. It’s an easy, quick, and (we hope) effective way to find your perfect hotel match :)

What do you think about it?

Btw, we’ve prepared an Android library that you can use if you want to implement this functionality in your own app. Check out our GitHub account for more details.

See ya!

More by Yalantis

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