New Mobile App Design - Connecting People

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Hey fellows!

Take a sneak peek at what I been working on these days. That’s a mobile app aiming to connect people with similar interests so that they could hang out together, make friends and just have a good time. The app will come in handy not only when you’re looking for some folks to chill out with, but also when you’re at some meetups/conferences trying to strike up a conversation, the app will be quite the thing to break the ice.

Creating a user-friendly mobile app with simple UI that will make it really easy for people to find folks they share the same interests with and have a blast together. The idea is to make people believe that their soulmates are somewhere within a mile, only a few clicks away.

We focused on making the app as easy as possible to use. So it actually includes only two main elements: the map showing people with similar interests within a mile of you (the left screen) and people’s profiles with the detailed info on their hobbies, interests, what they love and hate (the right screen).

We ended up with a pretty clean mobile app design, but it’s only the first version. We’ll do our best to make it not only user-friendly but also useful to break the ice and bring people together. Peace!

I love to hear what you guys think of this! Drop us a line!

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Dmytro Petrenko
Work Inquiries hi@ortymd·com

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