Flinto Colo(u)r Picker

One of my favourite projects I got to work on with the Flinto team was the custom colo(u)r picker introduced in v23 (Nathan put together a video demonstrating the features). The picker includes some nice features including:

- Top Level Loupe: In other design tools, it takes multiple clicks to access the commonly used loupe tool. We decided to surface it to the top level and integrate it right alongside the colour swatch. - Magic Swatch: When you have a colour value in your clipboard, like #FF6759 or hsba(5,65,100,100) an extra swatch will magically appear with that colour value. - Quick-Add Swatch: When you activate the eyedropper, hold shift and click to immediately add a swatch with the sampled color. It's great for quickly loading in a set of colours.

The picker is rounded out with animations, sounds and other delightful details.

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