Available on the Uber app, UberFLASH helps riders get a ride fast by matching them with the nearest UberX private-hire car or ComfortDelGro taxi. The creative team at Uber APACx, CreativeX, created a launch campaign to announce the new product. We started with a static key visual and brought it to life with animation, using the hero image of a ComfortDelGro taxi and introducing the lightning mnemonic to reinforce the product name. For more information on UberFLASH: https://www.uber.com/en-SG/blog/uberflash-is-arriving-now/ ___________________________

Team: Marketing Designers & Creatives: Jason Feng, Ashlynn Sum, Catherine Rajadi, Celeste Ho, Eugene Ling, Hafizah Jainal, Imran Abdulrahim, Juliette Suvitha, Roopa Pious, Russell Teo

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