Travelme app
Travel me! app After times of crisis in the last years and see so fast the advance of technology, the way of traveling and transporting people has evolved. Usually the main purpose of the search of how and where to transport more popular and common is mostly save on time and money. Over time, we have been able to organize our own plans and travel in a more personalized way, making us dispense with limited agencies or packages, making more and more people discover new places on their own. So we could pack and leave with flights and even ready accommodations
But … what about the trip once in destination? In destination we hire excursions and transports that raise the price resembling travel agencies. We have to look for guides for hours or drivers who travel in the end the price goes up and goes more expensive than in an agency, being also the most impersonal experience.
What is the solution? Share plans from a platform coinciding with other users on your route and also do it with people with the same tastes and intentions and save time and money. Make a match! with other travellers and put them in touch by affinity.
And what is the typical user? They are usually young people between 30 and 40 years. They like to travel more than once a year to remote places but without following closed packages. They are explorers, backpackers, with work and average salary who like to save. They do not seek luxuries, they seek more to know people and new cultures. They do not like being tourists. They are curious and restless and even independent. They like to get lost and get carried away.
This is my personal proyect: Travel me!