OK, so I've been busting my tail all week preparing for the launch of Scratch that - all YEAR.
This is the relaunch of We had it in beta for a while, and it's still not 100% complete, but we gotta ship something or I think we're all going to implode. :-)
I initiated this project last Noverber-ish. I did all the design (very much inspired by Aran Down and Studio7's work with (yeah, I basically bit their design tone, but it really works for CURE). I also wrote 95% of the HTML and 100% of the CSS. This is the biggest web design project I've ever worked on.
Joel Worrall is responsible for the backend. He wrote a bunch of really nice jQuery scripts for me, which I am so grateful for. And all the rest of the REALLY boring programming pieces, like building it into Wordpress.
We are really proud of our work, but the best is yet to come. We're launching a super semi secret app in a few months that is going to change the face of the nonprofit sector (hopefully). Well it will change the lives of a bunch of kids we work with anyway. It's going to be called CUREkids...