Mobile Clock-In
Webclock is a newly relaunched application that allows restaurant Managers and Employees to perform their respective time and attendance duties.
How might we make make staff time and attendance tracking more flexible/portible - and fail safe?
Two main journeys
A. The Hourly Employee
1. clocks in and out for their shift and breaks (remote clock-in allows restaurants to maintain accurate time records during catering events, and off site work.)
2. Employee enters tip information at the end of his/her shift.
3. Can also check in on his/her current hours worked for the week.
B. The Manager
1. Live staff list with indicators for employee status (Clocked IN, OUT, ON BREAK, LATE, UNSCHEDULED).
2. The manager is also able to add previously unscheduled employees to shifts with override authority.
3. Manager can enter tips and clock an employee in/out
Additional consideration has been given to offline usage in this application. When an employee has lost connectivity which is fairly common at restaurants, data from this application is stored locally until a connection to the web has been reestablished at which point the data sync’s automatically. The user is informed of their offline status, as well as when connection has been reestablished, and once data has synched.