EatThisSF - Logo

A while back I had the killer opportunity to help out my friend Sarah Chorey. Roaming about the SF Bay area she shares the best finds in things to eat and places to go.

When thinking about developing a logo for her I kept going back to all the neon signs of dining establishments and the line "Eat This". It felt like a call to action, like I needed to go there and do what she was doing.

With that in mind I began thinking about creating a mark that had a notion of guidance. Something that could be slapped up on telephone pole and point towards the killer pizza just around the corner.

Pretty stoked on how the all the pieces came together and enjoyed getting to do some custom script work.

Definitely go give her a follow @eatthissf on instagram. You can also follow more of her life at

Eat This SF --->

Sean Morse
Smile & Wave Boys. Smile & Wave.
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