Conference Facebook Profile Picture Frames
As the Director of Multimedia for the MAASU 2018 Spring Conference, it was my job to create a profile picture frame to get people to register and to create a sense of camaraderie. As such, I wanted to make something evocative, bold, and that highlighted the differences that each person making up the team has.
Thus, I made 4 different color palettes of the same design ("purple" in the center, "dandelion" in the top left and bottom right, "green" in the bottom left, and "salmon" in the top right). While these color choices paired with the individual's photo itself fostered a sense of individuality, the deep red circle and overlaid logo 'boxes' helped give the conference a cohesive image of unity and tangible credibility. The choices made paid off as there was a surge in registration with the total reaching 200 people.