
This was a super quick time-boxed Monday night design for Dann Petty's #SPACEDchallenge. Basically until the battery my computer dies out, which is soon (currently at 3%).

A lot of people ask me how they can break into design and build a portfolio basically starting from nothing. The answer is to participate in challenges like this, or even create hypothetical projects of your own to design against and write about your thought process. You don't need a role under your belt, nor a stable of clients in order to build a portfolio. Free software is also easily available to make designs like this happen really quickly.

I actually have no business entering this contest, so of course if this entry somehow wins, the prize would be donated to someone who could benefit from it more. I wanted to prove that no matter how busy you might be, there is always time you can set aside to make something.

I would love to challenge others who are already established in the industry to give this a stab for an evening and see what you come up with :)

As a Designer, there is no task too small.

Modified photos from NASA, SpaceX, Nike, unsplash, Bell.

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