Homepage Design Animation for Blockchain Technology Website
Hi guys!
Today we’d like to share a homepage design animation we created here at Zajno for some cool clients of ours who developed a new technology to improve blockchains making the future truly decentralized. That’s all we can tell you at the moment, let the rest be a secret for a time being.
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Goals Animating the page that presents a new technology to show how interaction design can benefit the overall user experience, adding more life to it and just making it look darn awesome!
Approach We used subtle animations to add smoothness to the elements transitioning. The main requirement to the website’s style was for it to match the futuristic nature of the technology, so we decided to use geometric patterns and 3D visuals to create that feel. We added some animated illustrations to liven up the page scroll, so that it looks more dynamic and vibrant.
Results We ended up with a lively and smooth animation of the homepage. That’s pretty much it. Let us know what you think about that!
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