30 Day Challenge Complete!

Yesterday I wrapped up my 30 Days of Characters illustration challenge. Today I've been reflecting on the project and wanted to share a few tips that might be helpful to you guys, especially if you're going to start your own 30 Day Challenge.

1. A little planning goes a long way! If you can keep even one day ahead of schedule, you'll save yourself a lot of stress and last-minute scrambling to create something.

2. Jot down notes and quick sketches throughout the day. This will provide you with a bunch of ideas to choose from when you sit down to create your daily drawing.

3. Don't worry about making each post perfect. I was hesitant to share a few of the characters because they didn't end up as polished as I would have liked. But I shared them anyway and was always happy to find that it resonated with you guys and sometimes generated the most response!

4. Have fun with it :)

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