Pollarity Redesign - Sample Scenario
Pollarity Redesign!?
It's time for a much needed redesign of my first products.. Pollarity!
The caret beside an input denotes whether or not it is valid. - Green: Good to go! - Purple: Untouched field - Red: Somethings wrong (for pollarity, probably just a 'space')
The first two options don't have the option to be deleted because well.. You need at least two options for a poll. The third option is red because the input has been manually set to a ' ' (space), and the forth input is purple because it is either '' (empty) or untouched.
Additional input fields are added automatically when the bottom-most input is typed in! Empty (purple) input fields are ignored when the poll is created.
Thanks for looking :) You can take a look at my full portfolio Here!