2017 Holiday Card
For whatever reason, a few weeks prior to the holidays kicking off I decided I wanted to send out holiday cards. I had in recent weeks been obsessed with the shopping bag design (Thank You, Have a Nice Day) and figured this could be a nice treatment for a holiday card -- also probably not original but my friends & family enjoyed them.
I had two designs printed up by Risolve Studios (risolvestudio.com) as 5x7 flat riso cards. I had some produced on black paper and some on white all with gold metallic ink. I couldn't decide on if I liked white or black paper better, I ended up using all 4 variants for different people. I also used a gold ink pen to sign all the backs with also alternating black or white envelopes (black card, white envelope and so forth). It was a fun quick project to round out 2017.
It's hard to photograph and I was shooting these on my kitchen table with my phone so forgive me for the crappy hero image. But you can see the full setup in the attachments.