Bro Moment: Tim Dieterlie

It was the Fall of 1994 and it was the first day of my college drawing class. I was a skate rat. I was feeling wholly inadequate as I fumbled through the door and placed my gigantic portfolio folder and art supplies on the floor and took my seat upon one of the drawing horses.

Months prior I graduated high school at the top of my art game. And here I was feeling like I was starting over.

The room was filled with strangers. Strangers and a couple of hot girls that were completely out of my league. An awkward silence filled the air as the rest of the students seated themselves. I took a deep breath and exhaled, feeling a deep wave of insecurity wash over me.
I scanned the room for a moment and briefly took in the atmosphere, the shuffling of oversized drawing boards and art supplies, occasional throat clearing, the insecurity inducing hot girls, and then suddenly I experienced a wave of relief in perhaps one of the greatest "bro moments" of my life.
Sitting two drawing horses down from me was the familiar smiling face of my fellow skater friend, Tim Dieterlie. That was the beginning of an awesome friendship. For the next few years, I would spend alot of time skating, going to toy shows, and hanging out at Steak 'N Shake for hours drawing and watching Tim flirt with the waitresses.

Tim is one of the single most creative human beings I've ever met. Aside from being a rad photographer, Tim introduced me to a world of creativity around me that I hadn't noticed before.
Stoked to know you brother.

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