D&D Concept Application

The Unofficial D&D Fifth Edition Monster Manual.

A while back I decided I would try my hand at building a custom D&D application from scratch. My newfound love of the game and the amount of amazing artwork and resources out there drew me in.

It's bascially a simple search and find where you can display and find monsters, their stats and abilities. I wrote it entirely in Swift with some really great third party frameworks like Realm, RxSwift and Moya.

I hooked it up to a 5th edition SRD api in hopes that it would be able to release it on the app store in the future (free of charge). Sadly the copyright laws made it impossible and this application will stay in a Github repo for the foreseeable future.

It kinda breaks my heart but I figured I wanted to share some snaps of how it actually looks. Who knows, hope you enjoy it!

More by Patrik Qvarnström

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