dusandsg.com - 2.0 personal portfolio

// ENG //

Dear friends and colleagues, sirs and madams, after a hard work, astonishing design and stable code, we've managed to get from the ready-steady to the GO mode!

Anyway, my web portfolio version 2.0 (which is RESPONSIVE) is - (A)LIVE! Take a look, feel free to comment, every criticism is welcome, of course. <3

I would like to say special thanks to my friend (hacker) Dusan Stojanovic, because he kept replying to my every requirement with "this is impossible", but, at the end, after a short sigh (auughhhh), everything seemed to be done as planned.


// SRB //

Poštovane kolege i koleginice, gospođe i gospođo,
posle napornog rada, jakog dizajna i stabilnog koda,
došli smo i do toga da ne treba ništa da se oduzme i doda.

Elem, moj portfolio sajt verzija 2.0 (koji je RESPONSIV) je LIVE!!!!111!1, bacite oko i komentarišite, svaka kritika je dobrodošla naravno. <3

Ovom prilikom se zahvaljujem mom drugaru koji se "razume u kompijutere" (čitaj haker) Dusan Stojanovic zato što je za svaki zahtev reko "ovo ne može" da bi nakon jednog UFFFFFF ispalo da može (ali ga mrzi). <3 Tope


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