MyHosting - Host Dashboard | Day 06/365 - Project365

Day 06/365 - MyHosting Dashboard

Dashboard Saturday:

It's Dashboard Saturday! This being the first one of my 365 days challenge, I've started with a Web Host Dashboard. Hosting has been one of my most familiar platforms as I've dealt with several clients in the same niche over the past few years.

Designing this dashboard was fun as usual. Had to design the logo to have the authentic feel and that was a fun process aswell!

Do share your feedback on my progress so far! I'll reveal my plans for the rest of the days in a blog post soon. If you haven't noticed already, the designs are made with a theme for that particular day. Today's theme is Dashboard Saturdays. Similarly, we'll have seven for the week and that will help me find inspiration and the will to keep doing this for the rest of the year!

What is Project365?

A 365 Days Design Challenge undertaken for the love of design and creativity!

This is not just another design challenge. The challenge is to design a brand new, unique website/application or any UI/UX interface in a single day and keep doing this for 365 days constantly! Without a break, without any compromises!

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