For Honor Sub-Reddit Flair: Gladiator
"The roar of the crowd can be intoxicating. It can give you the edge you need to defeat an opponent. It can also seal your fate should you lose favor. The arena is not a battlefield. The thrill of the fight has waned. But how will they fare in all-out war? Gladiators have risen the ranks of fighters and have run out of challengers. With their trident and shield, they charge into the fray. Their armor minimal and their bravado staggering. It is now time for gladiators to fight for something greater than themselves."
This is a part of series of illustrations based on the Game "For Honor". These are also being used as the FH Subreddit flair. (Flair are Subreddit specific images that appear next to your username. These are available in the For Honor Subreddit)