Rames - Restaurant Cafe Responsive HTML Template

Rames is responsive, clean and flexible HTML template, you can using this template for Restaurant , Cafe , Bar or Bakery. This template is fully responsive created using bootstrap framework with many features such as image slider, animated scrolling effect, carousel food menu, animated counter, testimonial, filltering gallery, map with google map, parallax effect, contact us. This template has 6 option theme color but if you familiar with SASS you can easy customize theme color with SASS file. Also you can using This template as onepage or multiple page.

Features :
Fully Responsive
Bootstrap 3.x
W3C Validated
Parallax effect
6 Color Theme
Reservation Form
Google Web Font
Google Map
Gallery – Filterable Gallery
Animated Counter Effect
Easy to customize the theme color with Sass file
Included about page, contact page, gallery page, food menu page, reservation page
Much More +

******* Quality Checked by Envato *******

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More by Hidra Wira

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