William Burroughs
A humorous caricature illustration of the well-known American novelist and writer of the famous book ‘Naked Lunch'; William Burroughs. One of a series of caricatures achieved for the Celebrity Sunday series, where a famous person is rendered within a day. The idea is to show them as if in a passport photo to have consistency.
prints available from:
http://bit.ly/RobArt_juniqe - JUNIQE
http://bit.ly/RPS_icanvas - iCanvas
http://bit.ly/RPS_artboxone - artboxone
http://bit.ly/RPS_posterlounge - Posterlounge
http://bit.ly/RPS_RB - Redbubble
http://bit.ly/RPS_S6 - Society6
http://bit.ly/RPS_displate - Displate
http://bit.ly/RPS_curioos - Curioos
http://bit.ly/RPS_urban - Urban Arts
http://bit.ly/RPS_zippi - Zippi
http://bit.ly/RPS_artflakes - artflakes
http://bit.ly/RPS_FAA - Fine Art America
http://bit.ly/RPS_cont - Contrado
http://bit.ly/RPS_sunday - HelloSunday
http://bit.ly/RPS_teepublic - TeePublic
http://bit.ly/RobArt_balibart - Balibart
http://bit.ly/RPS_image - ImageKind
http://bit.ly/RPS_mondeM - Monde Mosaic
http://bit.ly/RPS_impresionarte - Impresionarte
http://bit.ly/RPS_artistocracy - Artistocracy
http://bit.ly/RPS_day - Daylighted
http://bit.ly/RPS_indie - IndieWalls
http://bit.ly/RPS_wall - Arthewall
http://bit.ly/RPS_design - DesignByHumans