Here They Come!

Day 11

Just your casual Death Star fly-by. So, I know what you're all thinking, he missed a day. Yes, yes I did. For this. I put in probably something like 15 hrs over this weekend, but I'm beyond happy with the outcome.

First of all, happy Star Wars week!

Anyway, here are some tidbits on how I created this:

I hand-crafted the numerals and then turned those into a font, which after I perfect it more, may release it down the line.

The death star and tie fighters were created in After Effects using a particle generator that took in an .obj file as somewhat of a "base", and then were heavily modified to get the particle + beams + faceted look. The stars in the background are all made in AE as well, hence their perspective.

Most everything else (UI elements, etc.) was made in a combination of AE / Illustrator / Photoshop. Is this going to be animated, one might ask? You betcha. That was the reason for doing a large part of it in After Effects.

I'm not sure when the animation will come, but hopefully in the near future. For the time being, I'm extremely proud of this piece.

It would be so cool to create some actual futuristic interfaces down the line for movies of some sort.

More by Andrew Washuta

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