Braze Concepting

A peek into our 42-page concepting document for Braze (formerly Appboy). This document really paved the way for the design direction and final brand visuals.

"To braze is to form, fix, or join by soldering metals with an alloy of copper and zinc at high temperature. A derivation of a 16th century French word meaning ‘to burn,’ the process involves a braze melting and flowing between the two pieces of material to create a seamless bond. In addition to speed, power, and reliability, it carries with it a sense of mastery, elemental wonder, and a bold mixture of science and artistry. Brazing is easily adapted to mass production and easy to automate. The process differs from welding in that it introduces a new element, or alloy, into the relationship that chemically bonds the parts into a whole."

Huge props to @Focus Lab team members @John Oates
@Summer Teal Simpson Hitch and @Clea Hernandez for their masterful work on this project 💪

Focus Lab + Odi
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